Prayer Points for God’s Mercy: It is through God’s mercy that we get the chance to enjoy life in a way that we don’t deserve. As a Christian, it is always important to appreciate the grace and mercy accorded to us by God. Below we have looked at prayer points for God’s mercy in your life. With these points, you will be able to make your prayers more faith-based.
Prayer Points for God’s Mercy
1. Lord may your Mercy follow me all the days of my life.
2. Through your mercy help me walk in your ways that I may live according to my Christian calling.
3. Lord thank you for your mercies are new every morning and your love never ceases.
4. In your mercy, I am born again and have a living hope. Help me to remain in you.
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5. Jesus, I approach Your throne of mercy knowing You will help me in times of need.
6. May your mercy and grace be with me throughout the days of my life.
7. Lord help me to be merciful to others just like you are merciful to me.
8. Without your mercy, not a day will be worth living.
9. Receive all the praises for the time you have shown me mercy instead of wrath for the wrong doings I commit.
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10. May I always fall on in the merciful hands of the Lord.
11. In your mercy, forgive me my sins and purify me from all my unrighteousness.
12. From one generation to the next, may you hold my hand and direct me to my path of righteousness.
13. Thank You for You are rich in mercy and Your love forever abides in us.
14. I am saved because of Your mercy, and my prayer is that through You i will inherit the kingdom of righteousness.
15. It is through your mercy I can confidently approach your throne knowing my sins are forgiven Lord.
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Conclusion: Prayer Points for God’s Mercy
Hope with the above prayer points of God’s mercy will help you have a deeper connection with God.

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