Prayer to comfort a grieving friend: Prayer for grieving friend often comes in handy when you don’t know the exact word to say to a bereaved friend. You may not have an idea how to pray such prayers and that is why today we are going to give you some ideas on how to pray. Prayers may not necessarily be taught because we often learn how to pray when we pray often. In this article today we are going to look at several prayers that will guide you on how to pray for a grieving person.
- Short Prayer to Comfort a Grieving Friend
- Prayer to Comfort a Grieving Friend
- Prayer for a Friend Who Lost a Loved One
- Prayer for a Friend Who Lost Her Father
- Prayer for the Loss of a Friend’s Mother
- Prayer for a Friend Whose Mother Passed Away
- Prayer for a Friend Grieving a Parent’s Death
- A Prayer for a Friend Who Lost Her Son/Daughter
Short Prayer to Comfort a Grieving Friend
1. “Loving Father, you are our stronghold. We call on you to comfort and wipe the tears in my friend’s heart. Today, let him know of your unfailing love and that in this time of difficulty, he is not alone. May your Holy Spirit fill his heart and comfort him. We pray in Jesus’ name, amen.”
2. “Lord, in this time of sorrow and difficulty we turn to you for comfort. May your presence bring solace to my friend whose heart is aching in pain. May your love surround them through the storm and eventually mend their soul. In Jesus’ name, we believe, amen.”
Read: Speedy Recovery Prayer Message
Prayer to Comfort a Grieving Friend
3. “Almighty Father in heaven, at all times you remain worthy of our praises. Even during these difficult times that my friend and her family are going through, you are still praised in your thrown. I pray believing that you will give them the comfort that they require to overcome the grief in their hearts. It may look impossible but we know nothing is impossible with you. Grant them the grace to experience your comfort and wipe away their tears. We pray these believing and trusting in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, amen.”
Read: Religious Sympathy Message for Loss of Husband
Prayer for a Friend Who Lost a Loved One
4. “Father, you are the Kings of Kings, nothing is beyond your eyes. You know the end from the beginning. Father, it is a hard time for my friend, losing her loved one has left her feeling dismayed. I believe that you give her the comfort she needs. Your word says that as a mother comforts her child, so will also comfort us. Please Lord be her comforter, let your wind of unfailing love surround her and the family. Let them know that their loved one is lying asleep waiting for your second coming when all those who believed in you will rise to live eternally. May your name be praised now and forever. We pray these trusting in the name of Jesus, amen.”
Find Also: Short Prayer for Peace of Mind
Prayer for a Friend Who Lost Her Father
5. “Our dear Lord, you are the father to the fatherless. Those without a father can confidently say you are their father. Right now it is so hard for Daisy to accept the loss of her father. For days she cannot comprehend why her father left her, but you know everything even when we cannot understand anything. I know you see the pain she is going through. Let your love surround her, hold her with your wing of love. Let not the evil one take advantage of her pain. Through your grace take away the burden in her heart. You tell us to ask and we shall receive, we have now asked all these believing we are going to receive in Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.”
Read: Praying Scripture Examples
Prayer for the Loss of a Friend’s Mother
6. “O Lord, Mighty in Power and glory, I pray for my friend who is grieving the loss of his mother. You are the only one who knows truly what he is going through. Father, set him free from the deep pain he is going through. Let Him feel your comfort and love. You say you are near to those who are broken-hearted, be his comforter. We can only depend on you during these difficult times. Shield him with your love and preserve him from any harm. Remind him that your love never fails and your love endures forever. In Jesus, we pray and believe, amen.”
Prayer for a Friend Whose Mother Passed Away
7. “Oh Lord our God, the father to our savior Jesus Christ, let your mercies flow in this home. Blessed is your name, you great that our mind can never fully comprehend. You share your glory with no one. Your word says that you will comfort us during our afflictions, we now call upon you to wipe away our tears. May you grant my friend peace and comfort that surpasses human understanding. May your Holy Spirit be with them always. I n Jesus’ name amen.
8. You are the God of mercies and the comforter to those who call upon your name. Jesus, you are our high priest, please intercede for us. You have agonized death at the Calvary tree and you know what it means to be separated from your loved one. Lord, we stand together to ask for the comfort of my friend and her family. Let them feel your presence and love. Help us to give them the support they require during these grieving times. We ask trusting that your perfect will be done in her life. In Jesus’ name, we ask and believe, amen.”
Read: Opening Prayer for Event
Prayer for a Friend Grieving a Parent’s Death
9. “Our everlasting God we come before you this evening. Father of love, please comfort my friend whose parents passed on today. Bring comfort and peace to this home. Nothing can take your place in our hearts, and we choose to hold on to your promise that you are a gracious Lord who never fails.”
10. “Our Father in heaven, we admit we are weighed down by grief, send your Holy Spirit to comfort us. Your word says that blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted. Lord comfort us that your name may be glorified now and forevermore. Amen.”
Read: Religious Words of Sympathy for Loss of Son
A Prayer for a Friend Who Lost Her Son/Daughter
11. “Father you gave your only son to a sinful world, you know what it means to be separated from your son. Right now, no words can express the grief in my friend’s heart. The pain in her heart can be seen through her eyes. All through she hoped he would get well but he never did. At the right time, you saw it was fine to take him home so that he may be with you. It is difficult seeing the bigger picture but we know he is in your hands. You knew him even before he was formed in his mother’s womb. We never know why you took him while so young but we choose to trust that it is for his good. Your word says all things work for the good of those who love You, to those who are called according to Your purpose. We put everything in your hand, the author and finisher of our lives. Let your love surround my friend. Give her peace that is beyond human understanding, so that she may come out of this grieving period stronger. We ask knowing you have heard us, amen.”
Read: Christian Farewell Messages to a Friend
Conclusion: Prayer to Comfort a Grieving Friend
A Prayer to Comfort a Grieving Friend is vital, more so when you don’t have enough words to comfort a grieving friend. The comfort and peace of God are ever-present and dependable. Grieving times are difficult and it can even be hard for a friend to pray, but when you pray with them their relationship with God could be renewed. God is the best friend at all times and He will be with him or her.

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