Quotes for Baby in NICU: As a parent, it is very difficult when your baby is in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). It is not by choice that your baby should be there, but soon or later you will be able to have your little one in your arms fully developed.
If you know a parent with a preemie, it is only kind to show them your support and even send them well wishes for the baby in the NICU. In this article we have looked at inspiring NICU quotes, that will inspire a parent and those who support them.
NICU parents’ quotes will be encouraging to any parent who is undergoing such challenges. Also during this year’s World prematurity day, you could also celebrate your baby with some of the NICU quotes for baby that we have compiled.
Quotes for Baby in NICU
1. “NICU babies are a miracle, they prove to us life is more than we can determine”
2. “Keep growing and learning my bean! Proud of you my fighter! To more life!” Mo
3. “Being small does not make them any less, it makes them special”
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4. “Hold on, one day you will look at the journey you have traveled and see a miracle”
5. “Every life is precious” Governor Joho
6. “The determination of babies in NICU is remarkable, these babies are amazing” Angharad Smiriglia
7. “She is a fighter from the start who stole my heart.” Stacy Bordas
8. “You are braver than you know, stronger than you look, and a fighter than we can ever imagine”
NICU quotes
1. “Preemies have a fire in them and an immense amount of strength” NICU Nurse
2. “Preemies in NICU are well spirited, and often achieve the impossible!
3. “They couldn’t wait to meet their parents, but they need to stay in hospital till they are ready to meet the world” Vanessa
4. “You will do the impossible because you have overcome the unimaginable”
5. “Their outcome is far, far from what was predicted.” Sophie
6. “Every day you show us how strong & feisty you are!””
Quotes for Parents with Preemies
1. “Where there is countless love there are always wonders.” – Willa Cather
2. “Believe in God and then in your baby’s determination to live.”
3. “Even when times are tough, seeing your baby live each day is a blessing.”
4. “Stay positive mom and dad, great things come from great struggles.”
5. “Believe, those tiny hands will one day become strong to carry the weight that comes with life.”
6. “Life is precious and fragile at the same time. Every second is to be celebrated.
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7. “As a preemies mum, you a traveling a difficult journey, but in the end, you will have a story to encourage another mother.”
NICU Quotes for Parents
1. “Don’t give up, you are stronger than you can ever imagine.”
2. “When things get tough, the tough get going and triumph in the end.”
3. “Let the love you have for your kid, remind you how much you have to celebrate each milestone of his life.”
4. “You have a little superhero in your life.”
5. “The best days are waiting for you.”
6. “They baby did come this far for you to give up on him, have faith in God.”
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